Sunday, May 4, 2014

New Earth is calling us

I cannot tell if what I feel is being felt by other people, but I'd like to share that now I find it easier to live from the Heart and to disregard the "reality" perceived by our regular senses. It feels like everything is not as solid as months ago and a sense of personal sovereignty has come back to my life. I feel the New Earth is inviting us -Warriors of Light- to extract and anchor a new way to live, a much more meaningful and powerful way to live, so it can become accessible to more and more people. I believe what we needed to fulfill our destiny is Here, and Now is the time to download it in the current Earth so our Mission is complete.
I cannot get into details about the new way to live because it's different for each of us, just like members of a symphony orchestra playing in different instruments, creating a master piece in crescendo which will close a grand concerto. The key to recognize our new personal way of living is that it will be the one making us vibrate with the Highest Level of Joy and Peace, feeling a new and awesome -though not visible- world around us, allowing it to gain more and more solidness as time passes.
I'd like to encourage my brothers and sisters to stop whining or feeling depressed or confused because "nothing happened". Our mission is not over, remember that we were not born to be rewarded or honored, we are here to break chains and limitations,  to expedite the end of the old ways in the old world, and to deeply enjoy the process. Peace to all.....

Sunday, November 17, 2013

A plea to all True Light Warriors

Dear Sisters and Brothers in the Light of the Christ Consciousness, I am directing this request to all of you who have fully accepted that their reason to be born in this time is to materialize the Divine Energy and to bring back the Original Plan for Humankind upon this beautiful planet.
We are now behind schedule, and it has been entirely our fault that the Event has not happened yet. We have been taken out of course for different reasons but in the end, it has been our refusal to let go of our own personal lives which has caused this delay. My plea to all of you is to give up entirely your own personal life and to direct all of your energy and to use ALL OF YOUR TIME, every second of the day, to the Service of Divine Source. No more hopes, fears, questions or excitement for our ego. We need to become nothing in this world to allow Divine Source to imprint in us His True Mark that is a Deep Peaceful Joy, so He can fulfill His Holy Plan for His Children and for the rest of Creation on this dimension.

We MUST fulfill our destiny Here and Now, we KNOW there was no other reason for us to be born, so not to succeed on this is worse than being dead, nothing else should really matter to us. Please allow Divine Peace to guide you, drop your old self immediately and fear nothing, be bold and confident to walk in the new Earth in awe and with humility, it is NOW or never…. WAKE UP and WALK ON!!!!

Monday, July 30, 2012

Can Heart be trusted?

Messages from more evolutioned Souls always stress out the importance of trusting our Heart. As simple as this may sound, all of us find it difficult to follow and frustration grows as we realize that we are not even sure what we are listening to, is it really our Heart or is it just a mind trick? One of the biggest obstacles to trust our Heart is the deep belief that “heart is ever-changing, not reliable” and we justify that belief mainly by remembering when we failed in the process of choosing our life partner or how we felt in a certain way about something or somebody only to be “deceived” later in a way that totally changed our initial feelings, leading us to the logic conclusion that “heart” can and does fail. Even Religions suggest we shouldn’t rely in our hearts, they rather encourage us more to read the Bible than to dig for the Truth inside us.
Our Heart is as reliable as Creator Is, and it is our Divine Tool to connect with our Divine Essence. Those who rule this planet know this as Truth, so they designed the teachings of this Society to block that connection since our cradle years. It is actually the main goal of the whole system: to prevent us to connect with our Divine Essence because once this is achieved, we can be easily controlled and they may use our energy for their purposes.
We all live our lives with almost no contact at all with our True Heart. Instead, we “feel” and follow emotions directed by our ingenious installed mind, tricking us into believing that these emotions are true feelings from our Heart, but emotions are to feelings like sparks to fire, with a shorter life span and with no essence, they are just a tiny part or reflection of something bigger and most people, having nothing else to compare with, believe emotions are the Real Thing. This does not mean that emotions are bad or worse than feelings, they simply exist in the human sphere and are actually the very reason why so many souls want to experience life in Earth: to be able to experience emotions. But in a higher sense, we have to acknowledge that emotions are the rainbow and feelings are the sun. Rainbows are cool but the sun is The Source for that and more.
Now, despite this control from installed mind, sometimes our Heart’s signal is so strong that a True Feeling gets our attention, especially when we meet another soul that is important to accomplish our Mission in life. We all recognize this as a special moment, but what happens next is that installed mind starts reacting to this potential threat to its sovereignty over our lives. It uses every dirty trick possible, all involving fears about this event: will it last? Will I be able to keep this person around me forever?. Furthermore, it will create expectations impossible to meet by any living person, setting the ground for self-deception and a sense of failure that it will block –again- the source of such a wonderful true Feeling. Once the connection is blocked, we are convinced that we “lost” the feeling and whether or not we decide to stay around the other person, we have transformed this potentially divine relationship into a regular, human relationship, losing all the divine gifts intended to reach us, BUT... there are very good news and this blog is about them…
There is a signal being beamed to all of us from Creator through our Heart, and this time it's not that we are meeting a special person. We are meeting a new Earth or to put it in a more accurate way: a new Earth wants to meet us!!... This is the greatest Gift ever offered to Humankind and installed minds are playing their wildest and scariest cards but this time they are not going to succeed in blocking this signal, and this is simply because it is infinitely stronger, it’s like darkness trying to block the sun in a one-on-one fight. Creator won’t change plans and the new Earth will meet us through the gate of our Heart, it has no other way to introduce Herself.
This is why every single enlighted Being has declared that we must go inside and find our Divine Essence, our Divine connection with Creator. There is a Divine Plan soon to be fulfilled and time is running out for us to unblock this connection and to get used to listen and to follow our Heart voice, so we may survive and complete our Mission. There is no other way than to unmask the installed mind and to put it aside as we would do with a useless device that we no longer need. There is no need to fight with it, would you fight or get angry with a CD player or with your computer just because they don’t serve you any more?
As a matter of fact, it would help us to acknowledge that installed mind was a perfect program or device, so perfect that it controlled humankind for thousand of years, but its time is over, so why give it more attention? Remember, you give power to that in which you focus your energy. Don’t even give it a thought, not anymore. Start FEELING again, don’t get stuck by experiencing emotions, now recognize FEELINGS. You can easily tell the difference once you start “Feeling” again, just like you did in your cradle days and then forgot, it's now time to Remember and Be our True Selves. Peace to all…

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

An Eye for an Eye...

…will make us all Blind. What a great Declaration from Mahatma Gandhi, and yet, no one is listening.
I have been experiencing a deep sadness for a while. The challenges that I am facing on a personal level have left me with a sense of being doomed without a possible escape and now that I witness how people react to the assassination of Bin Laden, it confirms to me that very, very few will survive the Great Event that will mark soon the End of Times. There are some that think that everybody –every single soul- will make The Leap, the Ascension, but that’s simply impossible, it’s like expecting a wildfire to cross an ocean.
For some reason, I was certain that most people, after witnessing how the Institutions –Financial, Religious and Political- are corrupted in spirit and how they don’t really care about us, I was certain – I repeat- that most people had partially awoken and were accepting responsibility to be in charge of their own lives and searching for a more meaningful way of living. Instead of this, I just confirmed that everyone is still waiting for somebody else to look after us, to protect us and to provide us with everything that we feel we deserve.
Back to Bin Laden, why are so many people happy about him being murdered? Are we aware of where this feeling comes from? Do we really believe he had power over our lives? Should we really rejoice on anyone’s death? What about Gandhi’s Declaration? What about turning the other cheek? What about forgiving "70 times 7"? How sad this is…. To have eyes and yet, cannot see and to have ears and yet, cannot listen….

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

The Ultimate Choice

As we approach our destiny, I am aware that hundreds of millions of people are experiencing the most challenging times of their lives, some in the form of natural disasters and some are facing the effects of direct or indirect violence while many others are living emotional turmoil or excessive mental stress due to financial issues or the failure of important relationships. In truth, the vast majority are not personally experiencing any of these dramas but –thanks to the mainstream Media and the ones who direct it- they are already in fear of the “terrible possibilities” out there. “WHAT CAN WE DO?” is the desperate question I hear every single day and I have found out that to remind them that "we all have free will to decide what to do" only increases their sense of helplessness because they truly don’t see any way out… WHY???
The answer is simple, but it has very deep implications because we've been kept away from ALL the options we REALLY have. The Elite that has run this Society for thousands of years is very aware that “Freedom of Choice” does exist as a gift from Creator and -not being able to “erase” it from our DNA- they simply limited the span of our choices to present us only the ones contributing to their objectives. They accomplished this by first convincing us of 2 “Basic Lies”: one, that we are separated from Creator and two, that we are separated from each other. Once these basic lies were in place, we automatically gave away our Natural Power to anyone willing to guide us and keep us safe. Then, they designed the “gods” of this Society: the Monetary System, the Political System and the Religious System. This unholy trinity contains all the choices being offered to us, not for our benefit, but for theirs.
Now we know why we cannot find a way out of the bad experiences we are having: their systems simply don't offer any way out. Well, to be fair, they do offer choices: alcohol, illegal or prescribed drugs, TV to numb your mind, etc., but we know where these "options" take us. To know what our choices REALLY are, we need to go back all the way to the moment we believed the two mentioned “Basic Lies” and decide HERE AND NOW if we are going to keep these beliefs in our Mind and in our Soul.
This is the Ultimate Choice being presented to ALL of us in these Final Times of Society: to choose Who We Are, to accept our True Nature. It may feel scary to feel that you will start from “zero” but trust me, if you take this Leap of Faith, you will start not from zero but from “Infinity”, and an endless stream of options will flow before your Soul to finally express Itself in all its Glory and Perfection. Our body will stay in this world but our Soul will be connected again with Its Source and will assist on Mankind Ascension showing the Way out, where pain, fear and suffering won't exist anymore...

Friday, March 11, 2011

May 21, 2011- Rapture Day?

I read about this version on the Web a few months ago and –as date gets closer- it seems to be gaining momentum. I just saw a few days ago this billboard along the road that read –in Spanish- “JESUS IS BACK– MAY 21, 2011..” followed by a Bible verse that I did not have enough time to read since I was driving on a very busy street.
Regardless of the procedure that was used to determine this specific date –which I find confusing and arbitrary-, it is quite interesting to witness how many, many, people believe –AND HOPE- this WILL happen. It's clear that there is a very strong yearning around the world for things to change drastically and there is also a deep sense of urgency for that change, so the Rapture offers exactly that, a quick, dramatic and spectacular escape of the good people from all Evil and all suffering. Actually, the most popular version is about the “true believers” being saved (meaning a specific Church or group), not about the “good people”.
I personally believe on the separation of the Wheat and the Tares at the End of Times, but I disagree on their definition of who is “wheat” and who is “tares”. No material circumstance defines this, it’s not about belonging to a specific church or religion and it’s not about believing in Jesus or not. It’s not either defined by acting or thinking one way or another. What defines if we are “wheat” or “tares” is solely the condition of our Soul, the true State of our Heart.
I also disagree with the date -with ANY date-. If the hour and date cannot be known by any man, or angel, not even by the Son of Man, it is because it depends on billions of dynamic variables, on how the collective energy and consciousness of mankind -millions of beliefs, thoughts and emotions- moves and interacts along with the new Energies that are being generated from the Center of our Galaxy and are arriving at Earth on these wondrous times. There will be a point in the very near future where the right combination of Energies will make this Event possible and then it will happen as predicted: “as the lightning comes from the East and is seen even unto the West”, this is, UNEXPECTED, QUICK AND OF A WORLWIDE EFFECT.
The Event will be a Glorious moment of full connection between the Wheat and its Creator, a sort of Divine Bridge created on one side by Creator and by Wheat itself on the other side, reflecting His Peace, Joy and Abundance. Then Earth will be then split in two: the new Earth for the Wheat and the old, damaged Earth for the Tares, and Divine Plan will then be complete. Amen…..

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Theory (II)

All the recent events about birds and fishes found dead for apparent no-reason in different countries seem to indicate that some areas on the magnetic grid are collapsing or changing drastically.
I choose to believe that this is NOT a bad thing. It seems to me that each Species over the planet -including Humans- has exclusive lines or areas inside the Magnetic Field that were designed by their Creator to make their lives possible on Earth. I choose to believe that these flocks of animals are finding their particular "new magnetic lines" and are entering the New Earth keeping their consciousness while leaving their bodies behind. The Key to this conclusion is that whatever is happening, it's happening to a single species every time. Pollution, weather conditions or ANY material circumnstance would affect all species on that specific place and time. This is beyond material circumnstances, this may well be the start of the Ascension for Species, too bad we can't confirm this yet.